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Turn off the Licensing Service

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Turn off the Licensing Service
Last Updated: 01 Sep 2003

*** PLEASE NOTE: Link(s), If Provided, May Be Wrapped ***

The NT License Service is seen as nothing more than a huge
nuisance by most NT administrators. It is buggy, and adds
nothing to enterprise management.

Take a look at some of the issues:


Your best bet is to simply disable the service and keep
track of your licenses via some other means.  The use of
the service is not required in order to remain legal.


Other services which make good candidates for being
diasbled include:

• BROWSER ................ Except for DCs & WINS Servers
• SPOOLER ................ Except for Print Servers
• CISVC .................. Except for Search/Indexing Servers
• WZCSVC ................. Except for Wireless Machines
• DNS CLIENT ............. Any Machine
• SSDPSRV ................ Any Workstation

Any machine from which you want to be able to print must
have the spooler service running, but very few servers
should fall into this category.

On some 2000 and XP machines, DNS name resolution might
occasionally fail, and stopping the "DNS Client" service
makes things functional again.  It's not that frequent
of a problem, but if you have it, disabling this service
will take care of this problem permanently.

The Indexing service (CISVC) is another on that you can
get rid of if you're not running searches (particularly
the FrontPage variety) or you don't care about fast file
searches.  It is basically an evolution of "Fast Find"
from MSOFFICE, which was a service that you were better
off without.  Tends to cause lots of background disk
activity if enabled.

